
Can you make him remember? (TF part)

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Kelly177's avatar

Literature Text

Takahiro and Kazumi head towards the bus stop, both looking pretty happy. They were heading out into the forest for a date though, so it was reasonable. Both had been looking forward to it.

"I'm sure this will be a great day," Kazumi said, smiling at her boyfriend.

"I'm glad you think so," Takahiro responded happily.

"Yeah. It's not like I expect our dates to go bad or anything," Kazumi told him, having had many good dates with him before.

"That's good. After all, I want to see you happy," Takahiro sincerely said.

The two soon hopped onto the bus they needed to get on, and rode it out of town. They get off it soon, but not before attracting attention from a certain someone.

This person soon grabs a phone and calls someone. "I just found our next contestants," she said to the other person.

Takahiro and Kazumi walked through the forest, enjoying all the sights and sounds they found. They were looking for a good spot to stop and rest, since they were going to have a bit of a picnic here. After a while they found an empty enough place, surrounded by trees. They took a seat and looked at what they brought. They both started to eat.

Sadly, neither of them expected what'll happen. They have both been in these woods before with nothing too severe happening, so none were thinking something bad will happen. They especially didn't think strange people would find them here.

As these strange people soon find the couple the woman on the bus told them about, Takahiro and Kazumi finished up their meal. They were now just relaxing, enjoying being with each other.

The people prepare to do their jobs, slowly and quietly approaching the two.

"I'm so glad it turned out to be such a nice day," Kazumi said, oblivious to their fate.

"Yeah, that would have really suck..." Takahiro started to say before interrupted by someone jumping out and grabbing Kazumi.

"What's going on?!" Kazumi asked, starting to panicked as she feels herself starting to get dragged away.

Takahiro rushed over to try to separate Kazumi from whoever was holding her. This ended up with him getting grabbed as well by another person. With enough struggling though he was able to break free. He punches the person holding him, then goes to Kazumi again.

Before he could get back to her though, Takahiro was stopped by a third person. He tried to lay a hit on her, but the woman grabbed his hand. Soon all of the mysterious put something over their faces. Before either Kazumi or Takahiro could react, the second person released a smoke bomb. Smelling the gas from it, both of them started to feel tired. Of course they tried to stay awake, but neither of them could...

Soon Kazumi woke up and noticed she was indoors. She sat up slowly, still pretty tired, and looked around, and spotted a table with someone tied up to it. Looking at the person for longer, and found that it was Takahiro on the table still asleep.

"Takahiro! Wake up!" she shouted at him, very afraid at that moment.

Takahiro started to wake up. He tried to get up, but then noticed the rope holding him. "Why am I tied up?!" he asked, freaked out now.

"I don't know why," Kazumi said, her mind full of scary thoughts about what might happen.

"Oh good. You're both awake," they heard a feminine voice say. They turned and saw a woman come into the room. It was the same woman that grabbed Takahiro's fist earlier.

"Who are you, and why are we here?!" Takahiro demanded.

"Oh, my name isn't important. What is is that you two are hear to play a game," the woman replied calmly.

"What game requires someone to be tied up?" Kazumi asked, confused.

"Oh, I just need to make sure he couldn't get away," the woman told them before walking towards Takahiro. The woman was hiding it before, but at that moment the woman revealed the needle she was carrying.

Kazumi went to stand up at the sight of this, but she couldn't get up that quickly, her energy still not returning from earlier.

The woman grabbed Takahiro's arm, and prepared to use the needle on him. Kazumi shouted for her to stop, but she injected him anyways. She then untied Takahiro, knowing it would help him for what the needle will do to him.

Takahiro got up as quickly as he could. It didn't take long for the needle's effects to affect him though. He soon something strange with his arms. He went to look at them. He saw his arms getting shorter, with his upper arms also getting slimmer while his lower arms got wider, merging with his hands. His fingers soon fused into 2 and grew longer and sharper until they were white claws that freaked him out. When he saw his skin start to turn yellow, he started panicking. All this was scaring Kazumi as well.

"What did you do to me?!" he asked, worried about what'll happen to him.

"Oh, for the game you'll need to change into something else..." The woman answered, smiling at the same time.

This angered Takahiro, and he went to attack the woman with his new claws, but was soon stopped by the weird feeling in his torso. He felt it change it change into a more pear shape. His belly gained a lighter colour than his arms. He soon felt a lot of pain as the brown quills grew from his back, as well as the long tail.

"How could you do this to him?!" Kazumi asked, wanting to know what reason the woman had for making Takahiro go through all this.

"Oh, but if he looked the same as before, the game wouldn't be so hard," the woman replied, happily watching as Takahiro's legs change, with his upper leg getting bigger and lower legs joining with his feet (which had two claws like his hands but shorter ones.)

"What is this game anyways?" Kazumi asked, curious.

"Making him remember who he is after he loses his memories, which'll be right after the change," the woman answered, showing no sign of guilt.

"What?!" Takahiro replied before feeling his face push out, his nose becoming non-existent and his mouth changing to be bigger. He freaked out by how much of the change was already finished. He tried to demand the woman to stop this, but none of the humans realized what he was saying, which he realized when he saw Kazumi start to look very miserable.

"Please don't do this!" Noemi begged, not wanting to lose Takahiro.

"Relax. He'll change back if you win. If you lose though, or try to make him remember by saying things like 'you're my boyfriend,' the change will be permanent. Though, whether you win or lose, his memories will come back afterwards," the woman explained.

Kazumi looked at Takahiro, and was sad to see his ears changing, becoming pointed but still pretty rounded. Soon his eyes started to change, becoming bigger and changing colour schemes to be mostly black with white pupils. Soon a yellow quill like thing grew from his forehead.

Seeing that there wasn't anything left to change physically on him, Takahiro panicked more, knowing what came next. He soon felt it, his mind starting to go fuzzy. There was fear in his eyes, as he tried fighting it, not wanting to forget anything, especially Kazumi. Sadly, his memories were soon gone, and he was left staring at Kazumi, having no idea why he was doing that or who he is. Kazumi realized quickly what happened.

"How am I supposed to do this?" Kazumi asked the woman, starting to cry.

"You'll find a way. You have 3 months for it after all," the woman said to calm Kazumi down, which didn't really work.

Kazumi looked at Takahiro, still crying. She could see that he seemed bugged by it and relaxed a bit, knowing it was still Takahiro, just in a new form with no memories.

"Now, you two can go now," the woman said, pointing to the door.

 Kazumi walked over to Takahiro, who jumped off the table. Even though he had no idea who Kazumi was, something was telling him he could trust her. He passed it off as instincts though.

Kazumi leads Takahiro out of the room, having no idea where to start on helping him remember.

Here it is. I hope it ended up good.m

I used :iconcrimsonscarfs:'s suggestion for this, only evolving sandshrew to keep Takahiro the same age.

Pokemon and everything Pokemon related belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak.
© 2014 - 2024 Kelly177
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Maybewink's avatar
Hold up....can we do an rp to make a story like this? Im thinking Snivy for a change-usually i do steep types-and play the same "game"